Lecturer of Economics, BRAC University, Bangladesh

Summer 2023

Eco 101: Introduction to Microeconomics

Eco 208: Intermediate Microeconomics II

Analytics Teaching Fellow, Department of Data Analytics and Information System at Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University, USA

Spring 2023

DATA 5600: Regression and Machine Learning for Analytics (Graduate/Undergraduate)

Fall 2022

ECN 6090: Machine Learning (Graduate)

ECN 5090: Machine Learning (Graduate/Undergraduate)

GitHub repository for the course - here

Recorded classes of the previous course - here

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Pedram Jahangiry, CFA

Teaching Assistant/Teaching Fellow, Department of Economics and Finance at Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University, USA

Spring 2022

ECN 4330: Introduction to Econometrics (Undergraduate)

GitHub repository for the course - here

Recorded classes of the previous course - here

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Pedram Jahangiry, CFA

ECN 4020 - Intermediate Macroeconomics (Undergraduate)

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sepideh Raei

Fall 2021

ECN 1500 - Introduction to Economic Institutions, History, and Principles (Undergraduate)

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Randy T. Simmons 

Instructor and Mentor at Jahangirnagar University Higher Study Club, Bangladesh

Spring 2021: Econometrics with R (Online)

Spring 2021: GRE Beginner Course

Fall 2020: Leadership Training Program

Leadership Facilitator at Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center

Youth Leadership Summit 2019

Building Bridges through Leadership Training Program 2018

Independent Tutor of Secondary and Higher Secondary Level

Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, English

Duration: 2012 - 2021